imagine the pain
life this week is exciting as hell!
imagine: 3 emergency cases in just mere 2 days. and i get to send one of the patient, who unfortunately collapsed due to his stupidity (drug abuse), to CGH. and i got to see a live urinary catherisation! they actually inserted a tube, which is about 20cm long and a thickness of a finger, into the urethra. you know? the hole which your urine is passed out? yes, INTO THE HOLE.
imagine the PAIN.
moral of the story: do not do drugs. and never piss medics off.
there were 2 more e-cases; heat exhaustion and chronic back sprain.
it's really exciting to see real-life incidents like such. and we actually get to practice what we've learnt in bmc and finally understand the power of those knowledge.
i know it's not right for me to say this, but hopefully there are more e-cases to come!
wow!!! i think it's a good experience you have gotten in this field. know what to do if you see me fainting next time? haha... and did the guy cry when inserting the tube? serves him right for doing drug abuse!!! hope hw learns his lesson!
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