
propane nightmares

okay. some updates.

i still haven't got a job. or rather, i still have not accepted the kenny rogers job because, seriously, the pay's too low. but that doesn't mean i have been leading a non-fulfilling life! i have started working out, gone for more swims, and tried to get in the sun as often as possible. and i think i am going to sign up for the rock climbing course! this is so much more fun than nuaing at home, watching youtube videos and spending 10+ hours online like every other asian teen. :)

i've also been teaching the conversational chinese course but that is going to end really soon. it's really fun (and tiring) to teach the primary one kids although some of them have got the i'm-God-you-can't-do-anything-to-me-nananapoopooo attitude, which is totally irritating. but they're still too lovable to not like! haha. i'd tried the switch-off-electricity trick on them the other time to get them to quieten down but that kind of failed cos' they practically make jokes out of everything. instead of ending their conversations, they chuckled and laughed at how hot it was, and commented how they like it hot and sweaty in the classroom. seriously? kids nowadays.

hahaha. i've got some near-explicit stuff to share. parental guidance is strongly recommended. and it is definitely not for the pregnant or faint of heart. i really have NO IDEA that such magazines actually existed, not that i'm a fan. and get a paper bag before viewing. here it is. *urgh.