daft punk is playing at my house
first thing up, i am not about to whine about how i'm drowned in self-pity cos' i'm not. and though i really hate how i react to things sometimes, i seriously do not hate myself. i just need a means to vent and hopefully, something good would come out of it. and something good doesn't mean somebody coming up to me, pat on my shoulders & say "i feel so sorry for you", but it actually means stepping up my gear and overcoming the hurdles coming up against me.
so here it goes,
i hate myself for being so sensitive to others' feelings that i put others infront all the time, even though that means making personal sacrifices.
i hate myself for being so dumb and not speaking up when things are not going my way & eventually, looking like a fool following others' orders.
i hate myself for being so shallow and inexperienced and not able to make any convictions in whatever i do.
i hate myself for being too confident at times and believing that everything will go smooth and life will forever be good.
i hate myself for being such a pig & throwing away all my time when they can be spent doing or learning more meaningful things out there.
i could go on for days but i bet this is not what you want to read.
but stomping the keyboard, churning all this out, really felt great.
feeling blue???
don't be. everyone goes thru that phase of life. trust me, u're not the only one that feels this way... hopefully, we'll grow up from overcoming these hurdles.
take care!!!
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