you know, it's bad that's it's only january. cos' jan is a weird month to take some leave. everyone would want to keep them until later part of the year and slowly savour the escape & freedom. but i'm kind of tempted to take some at the end of this month...

why can't they put the concert on a friday or saturday night? they just have to dampen my spirits by putting it on a thursday. i really want to go though. well, there's still 2 weeks to the 31st. shall think about it.
anyways, my sis just started this little business of her own on livejournal. she's selling some clothings/dresses at rather cheap prices. her shop is called Exito Taste.
it's kind of an online thing. but still, do drop by. some of the dresses are rather pretty. above are some samples. ;)
hey hey, just popped by to say hello!!! so ur sis opened up an online shop? cooooolll!!! if i wanna buy, any discount? haha... anyway, new year coming soon so see u guys again!!!
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